TAKE NOTE: Celebrate the Launch of the Heart of Huntingdon Campaign
Huntingdon College Kingswood Initiative Undergraduate Athletics Coaching Program (ACP)
Academic Coach | Courtney Harville, Associate Director of Athletics |
Office | Roland 112A |
Office hours | By appointment |
courtney.harville@hawks.fenxiong.net | |
Phone | 334-833-4567 |
Team Information
Mission Statement
The Kingswood Initiative Athletics Coaching Program seeks engaged, motivated women and men committed to serving as leaders in athletics coaching. Each student who participates in the Kingswood Initiative Athletics Coaching Program will have a four-year experience developing their leadership skills and coaching philosophy/pedagogy by working alongside different departments on campus. Students who complete the program will be uniquely qualified to work in the field of athletics coaching upon graduation.
Students with an interest in any academic major or program can benefit from participation in Kingswood Initiative Undergraduate Athletics Coaching Program. Active interest in sports, athletics, and coaching is beneficial for participation in this team. The Kingswood Initiative is open to incoming freshmen who are admitted without condition and carries a significant scholarship award. Because of the time commitment necessary for this program, the Kingswood Initiative is reserved only for those who are not participating in intercollegiate athletics, Esports, the Presidential Scholars Program, band, dance, or cheer teams.
Team Description
Kingswood Initiative Undergraduate Athletics Coaching Program participants gain knowledge and experience in the field of coaching and athletics as they prepare to be leaders in their communities and to make an impact on the lives of children and young adults. Students work closely with the Huntingdon Department of Athletics, Huntingdon Counseling staff, and their Academic Coach to learn and practice a variety of skills, including practice planning, safety and injury prevention, and organization and administration of an athletic team. As a result, students will gain knowledge in the field of athletics coaching through hands-on experience with various Huntingdon College intercollegiate athletic teams and departments.
Team Learning Outcomes and Benefits
Students in the Kingswood Initiative Undergraduate Athletics Coaching Program will demonstrate the ability to understand and apply:
- Creation of a coaching philosophy/pedagogy while gaining knowledge of ethical behavior in coaching.
- Work with athletic training and strength and conditioning staff on safety and injury prevention, while also researching the mental/emotional effects of injuries on student-athletes by work with the Huntingdon Counseling staff.
- Assist and participate in at least two (2) wheelchair basketball and/or other adapted sports tournaments to gain experience in adapted sports.
- Develop strategies that can create growth and development for student-athletes.
- Gain knowledge of skills, techniques, strategies, and scouting for multiple sports.
- Communicate orally, in writing, and interpersonally through coaching style, practice plans, strength and conditioning programs, and working as a team with the student-athletes and coaching staff.
- Assist athletic department staff with game day operations.
- Learn about the financial and legal responsibilities of coaches and effective evaluation techniques.
- Develop and create a network with coaches, athletics staff, etc.
- Develop professional office communication skills and etiquette and communicate effectively in an office environment.
- Create and update a resume and participate in mock interviews.
Practitioner and Professional Benefits
Students in the Kingswood Initiative Undergraduate Athletics Coaching Program will work closely with their Academic Coach, athletics coaches, and other College and athletic department staff to develop the student’s coaching style and knowledge of the field of coaching. As a result, students will gain knowledge in the field of athletics coaching through hands-on experience involving their participation and involvement with various Huntingdon College sports teams and departments. Students graduating from this program and completing the requirements of this academic team will have related experience and qualifications to work in professional fields such as middle school and high school sports, college sports, youth sports, community athletics, and many other fields.
Yearly Goals and Evaluation
Freshman Year
- Work with different coaches to develop your own coaching philosophy and learn ethical behavior in coaching and athletics.
- Learn how to create a positive experience and culture for student-athletes and staff.
- Assist coaches in giving athletes responsibility and leadership opportunities, such as captains, Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) leaders, etc.
- Learn skills, techniques, strategies, and scouting for assigned sports.
Sophomore Year
- Gather information from athletic training staff about safety and injury prevention and equipment.
- Attend practices of at least three (3) different sports to observe how the athletic training staff interacts with student-athletes and coaches.
- Attend three (3) hours of treatment times that are offered by the athletic training staff.
- Discover how injuries affect the mindset/psyche of student-athletes through research and discussion with Huntingdon Counseling.
- Assist and participate in at least two (2) wheelchair basketball and/or other adapted sports tournaments to gain experience in adapted sports.
- Serve with Strength and Conditioning Program staff to create and implement training, conditioning, and recovery programs.
Junior Year
- Implement your knowledge and experience gained from freshman and sophomore years.
- Assist coaches in organizing and implementing practice plans.
- Assist Department of Athletics staff with at least four (4) athletic events throughout the year.
- Learn how to keep records, receipts, documents, etc. for financial and legal responsibilities.
Senior Year
- Continue junior year expectations.
- Learn techniques for student-athlete, staff, and self-evaluation.
- Become CPR-certified.
Team Code of Conduct During Game Day Operations
As a part of the Athletics Coaching team, students will assist in game day operations. Huntingdon game day operations are the responsibility of the associate athletic director for operations, through which that staff member oversees and executes the full spectrum of event management to ensure the integrity of the game itself and to provide an inviting atmosphere for those who spectate and participate. The Athletics Coaching team is responsible for assisting the associate athletic director for operations in executing a successful game day. Students should expect to work sporting events for different sports teams. Due to athletic schedules, this will include evenings and weekends when home games are scheduled. The Huntingdon Composite Athletic Schedule can be found here. Students should be aware of and adhere to the following game day operations procedures.
Foundations of Game Day Operations:
- Coverage: Priority number one for every home event is to have each operational aspect of the event covered by someone with knowledge of the task at hand. This includes: scoreboard operator, PA announcer, livestream, etc. Students should arrive to the game 2 hours before the start time unless otherwise stated.
- Timelines: A pre-game timeline is provided to each visiting team, the officials, as well as the home team. A pre-game timeline details each activity prior to the start of the game and exactly what time the activity will take place to ensure that each game begins on time. For example, this allows visitors to see when the starting lineup is announced and when the national anthem is played, as well as to prepare for any pre-game recognition planned for that event. For each home event a timeline is posted in the visiting locker room or dugout.
- Professionalism: Neutrality is stressed to our game day staff. The staff is mainly positioned in a press-box or at a scorer’s table. These are non-cheering areas, where the integrity of the game along with the job itself are the primary focus. Cheering, yelling, or clapping are not allowed while on the job. Students operating the livestream should not talk during the event. Students should dress business casual and remember that they are representatives of the Department of Athletics. What they do and say reflects on the staff and department and they should always conduct themselves in a professional manner.
- Crowd Safety: Our sportsmanship statement is read just before our welcome, and before every game. It’s a reminder to everyone in attendance of the principles we expect to be upheld at each venue. Protocol for dealing with an unruly spectator is that the designated game day manager makes first contact with the potential violator(s) of misconduct with a warning, and the second contact is made by campus security with removal of the subject(s). Weather warnings – in the event of sudden inclement weather, notification and shelter instructions are always provided.
Assessment and Outcomes Overview
Weekly Evaluations | 1-11 |
Academic Year Journals | 1-11 |
Injury & Student-Athlete Psyche Research and Paper | 2 |
CPR Certification | 2, 8 |
Weekly Evaluations
Students will meet with their Academic Coach weekly to ensure that assignments are completed in a timely manner and expectations are met according to the weekly schedule and assignments.
Academic Year Journals
Students will be expected to maintain a yearly journal of athletics involvement, observations, practice plans, strength and conditioning programs/workouts, and lessons learned throughout their engagement in various sports and campus departments. Weekly journal entries are to be submitted to Canvas. All journal entries for each year will be expected by the last day of the spring semester.
Injury and Student-Athlete Psyche Research and Paper
After a consultation meeting with Dr. Graham of Huntingdon Counseling, students will research how injuries can affect student-athletes mentally and emotionally. Students will meet with Dr. Graham at least twice to develop a final plan/professional perspective of how to support injured student-athletes’ mental health needs.
CPR Certification
Students will earn their CPR certification their sophomore year and get recertified their senior year.